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Negligence Season 2011/2012

posted under category: General on February 10, 2012 by Nathan

So I was doing really great late last year preparing my LESS CSS talk for Adobe MAX, then MAX hit, I finished my presentation on LESS, and I just collapsed. It felt pretty nice, I won't lie. Soon thereafter the holidays started, family activities picked up (did I mention I have 4 kids?). Worse and/or better yet, my fantastic company takes the Christmas through New Year week off and right at the end of that, I got sick with "the Skyrim". It was bad. I still have it, a cough here and there, a sleepless night when I forget my reality pills. I feel bad for all of you who have caught it along with me. It hurts sometimes, but it feels so good when I give in...

Let me recap a few things I should have already by now.

Adobe MAX 2011. This was a great conference. Adobe pulls in amazing speakers, authors and technologists. Ray and the unconference crew also had a fantastic lineup, and it was really, really great. The MAX bash this year was over the top and by far the best party I had been to in my entire life.

Then my boy, Jude, turned seven and we had a Mario party (pun intended), so then I had a new best party ever. Sorry Weezer. Sorry fancy candy pavillion.

Alanda, my wife, scored a Kindle Fire for Christmas. She loves it. While I know it's Android under the covers, she never would based on any evidence. It's Kindle through-and-through, and a great all-around device IMO.

I visited the new Boeing South Carolina 787 factory in late January. It's a beautiful place, and I would move my whole family into that building if I could. About the jet - I am sold on it for sure, and I will buy the first available one as soon as I find the $170m or so that it takes. I am still asking around about the employee discount.

Finally we come to today. I'm reading The Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering. I count this as studying for one of my CF.Objective(). talks. Speaking of...

This May Is CF.Objective()! I have two sessions to call my own - "Making Software Better" and "LESS CSS, Meet ColdFusion." I'll talk more about these later, but for now this has gone on long enough. Here's to a successful blogging career in 2012!

Nathan is a software developer at The Boeing Company in Charleston, SC. He is essentially a big programming nerd. Really, you could say that makes him a nerd among nerds. Aside from making software for the web, he plays with tech toys and likes to think about programming's big picture while speaking at conferences and generally impressing people with massive nerdiness and straight-faced sarcastic humor. Nathan got his programming start writing batch files in DOS. It should go without saying, but these thought and opinions have nothing to do with Boeing in any way.
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