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Yes, I will be at CF.Objective() 2013

posted under category: Life Events on May 2, 2013 by Nathan

I will be at CF.Objective() and I hope I will see you there, too!

Here are the sessions that I have a good probability of attending. There are so many great ones, as usual, and most of these were hard decisions, so they are not set in stone. I'm just so excited to be going, I had to share!

Writing Secure CFML with Pete Freitag I keep hearing great things about Pete's security talks, and in previous years it was either in a time slot against something else I was interested in, or that I was talking for.
Go Node Without Code with Brian Rinaldi Node interests me in the way that I believe server-side JS is the future, but I think Node isn't the way to go, so Brian's talk sounds interesting.
Railo's Top 10 Developer Features with Mark Drew Railo always interests me, even though I don't run it anywhere in production.
ORM, noSQL and Vietnam with Sean Corfield Just like Sean always does, he pushes us to the edge of cool development practices & technologies.
Mura 6 for Developers with Steve Withington Steve is a big Mura fan, I'm betting this will be awesome.

How WebKit Renders Web Pages with Elliott Sprehn Because Google is amazing so everything Elliott talks about is like magic.
Semantic Markup with HTML5 by Christian Ready Don't know how much I'll learn, but I do love me some hypertexts.
How Groovy & Grails made me a better CF developer with Scott Stroz I've played with Groovy a bit but am curious about how to get into more.
Who let a bum into the kitchen with Nathan Mische I've heard about these quick dev server setup tools, but am unsure how or why, so this will probably be over my head, which I like.
JavaScript Enterprise Workflows with Jeff Tapper This is something I honestly want to improve on and teach to my co-workers.

Deep Dive: The ColdFusion 10 Scheduler with Rob Brooks-Bilson Something I plan to use soon, but mostly I just want to know more about it. I may skip out to Charlie's IIS8 session for the second half, not sure.
ContentBox with Luis Majano I'm interested to see what Luis has done here.
Git Workflows with Tim Cunningham I've done my homework but I always want to know more about how best to structure my Git setup. Not sure about this versus ElliottZ's second session. Or Brad Woods' Agile talk. Too many good ones in this slot!
Building Modern Web Apps with Adrian Moreno Sounds like a lot of things that I'm doing, I like to see how other people put it together.

Again, these are highly subject to change, and again, I'm excited!

Nathan is a software developer at The Boeing Company in Charleston, SC. He is essentially a big programming nerd. Really, you could say that makes him a nerd among nerds. Aside from making software for the web, he plays with tech toys and likes to think about programming's big picture while speaking at conferences and generally impressing people with massive nerdiness and straight-faced sarcastic humor. Nathan got his programming start writing batch files in DOS. It should go without saying, but these thought and opinions have nothing to do with Boeing in any way.
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